-22% Dis.
Original price was: $449,00.Current price is: $349,00.
-12% Dis.

Damascus Swords

Damascus Kilij Sword

Original price was: $849,00.Current price is: $749,00.


Turks are one of the most warlike and bravest nations in history. Turks have a character fond of their freedom. Therefore, they have never lived under the auspices of any other state or nation throughout history. This feature forced them to fight all the time. Because they fight more than other nations, their fighting and battle skills are highly developed. In addition to their war and fighting skills, Turks have also developed in other war-related arts. They have their own war tools and special techniques to produce these tools. There are many reasons why the Turks were successful in wars. One of these reasons was that they had advanced combat and fighting techniques. However, these were not enough to be successful in wars. Possession of quality and durable war tools was one of the secret abilities in their victories. Throughout history, Turks have attached great importance to processing steel and iron. They produced hundreds of tools and tools with the effective methods they developed. One of the most important of these tools is kilij. Kilij is one of the war tools specially produced for Turkish soldiers by Turkish masters. Turks have a great army discipline. The Turkish army is among the strongest, most disciplined and strictest armies in the world. The fact that the army had strict rules made the tools to be used in the army very advanced and durable. In Turkish states, the masters who produced weapons for the army were specially trained. The masters who produced Turkish swords would never share their secrets with people or soldiers from any other state. In addition to their war and fighting skills, Turks have also developed in other war-related arts. They have their own war tools and special techniques to produce these tools. There are many reasons why the Turks were successful in wars. One of these reasons was that they had advanced combat and fighting techniques. However, these were not enough to be successful in wars. Possession of quality and durable war tools was one of the secret abilities in their victories. Throughout history, Turks have attached great importance to processing steel and iron. They produced hundreds of tools and tools with the effective methods they developed. One of the most important of these tools is kilij. Kilij is one of the war tools specially produced for Turkish soldiers by Turkish masters. Turks have a great army discipline. The Turkish army is among the strongest, most disciplined and strictest armies in the world. The fact that the army had strict rules made the tools to be used in the army very advanced and durable. In Turkish states, the masters who produced weapons for the army were specially trained. The masters who produced Turkish swords would never share their secrets with people or soldiers from any other state.

Kilij Sword

Masters who produced Turkish swords in Turkish states lived in some cities. Masters in that region taught their craft to their children or apprentices. Because the people a master trusted most were his own children or masters. Nowadays, swords are no longer used in wars. Thanks to the developing technology, even wars are not fought only with firearms. States use their powers other than armed forces to defeat their enemies. Wars such as economic wars, scientific wars, and social problems are examples of modern-day wars. In other words, not only swords, but even modern firearms are not used in wars today. Swords are still produced today, but not for wars, but as collectibles, hobbies or gifts. Kilij Sword is a Turkish sword still produced in Turkey. "Kilij" means "Sword" in English. We can say that "Kilij" is the Turkish pronunciation of the sword. However, its spelling in Turkish is "Kılıç". Swordbuy.com both produces and sells Turkish swords. Swordbuy.com's workshop is in Denizli, Turkey. Denizli is a city where Turkish swords were produced and the most talented masters lived, especially during the Ottoman Empire period. The commanders of the Ottoman army would have the masters here produce the swords necessary for their armies. Today, swordsmen in this region still produce Kilij Sword by using traditional methods, as they learned how to make swords from their fathers and grandfathers. Swordbuy.com masters are among these masters.

Turkish Kilij Sword and Ottoman Kilij

You don't have to worry about how to buy Turkish kilij. We can say that you are in the right place to buy a Ottoman Kilij because you are reading this post. There are several ways to buy Turkish Kilij from Swordbuy.com. You can complete your order after adding your cart and filling in your address information by clicking the "Add to Cart" button for the product you will buy. A second method is to contact our customer representative via our Whatsapp order line.
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