Discover Everything About Swords!

At SwordBuy, we answer everything you might be wondering about handmade swords. On this page, you can learn everything from the materials used in making swords to tips on how to care for and use your swords.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about our swords:

  • What material are your swords made of?
  • Do your swords come with a scabbard?
  • How do I clean and store my swords?
  • Which sword is right for me?

In addition:

  • You can learn about the history and culture of swords.
  • You can learn about different types of swords.
  • You can watch videos about swords.

With SwordBuy:

  • You can access handmade, high-quality swords.
  • You can get expert advice on everything related to swords.
  • You can shop safely and quickly.

Visit SwordBuy today and find your perfect sword!

SwordBuy: The best resource for sword enthusiasts.

SwordBuy Online Sword Shop.

The 600-year-old tradition of sword making. We make handmade, battle ready and decorative swords in our home town, Yatagan/Turkey.
Yatagan is a small town in which used to be produced swords for Ottoman Empire during yhe 16th Century when important wars were happened.
We have been continuing our art that we inherited from our ancestors for centuries. As Swordbuy brand we are providing swords to all over the world.
We are experienced in our art.
All swords are full tang and battle ready (optional)
Whatsapp: +90 538 850 2828


Yes swords are real, handmade and battle ready. But if you want it not sharp you can leave a note.

We use 1060 carbon steel and damascus steel Damascus steel is fully hand forged and real deal.

Yes swords come with scabbard except Zulfiqar Swords, Scimitar swords and 60 cm Swords.

Shipping is free. You may pay customs/import tax. It depends on your country tax regulations.